On May 3, 2024, SurvBase co-owner/co-founder Steve Buchanan was inducted into the University of Alaska Anchorage College of Engineering (CoEng) Alumni Hall of Fame. Steve is a 1998 graduate of the B.S. program in Surveying & Mapping (right before the name change to Geomatics). It was a great honor and capped off a wonderful spring commencement celebration. Steve is the first CoEng Surveying/Geomatics inductee.
Steve still has deep ties to the university and is active with the UAA Geomatics Advisory Board (GAB), currently serving as Chair. A special heartfelt thanks goes out to all of those who attended the ceremony and supported Steve - many old friends and UAA colleagues, former students and employees, and friends and surveyors from the Alaska geospatial community. Thank You!
You can read more about it here.